JavaScript coding interview — Understand the looping/ iteration — Part 1

Sathish Kumar Arumugam
2 min readSep 6, 2020

Arrays, Objects, and Strings are commonly used types that we iterate using ‘for’. ‘for…in’, ‘for…of’ statements.

Photo by Sean Alabaster on Unsplash

Array iteration

  1. for

Repeats until a specified condition evaluates to false.

for ([init]; [condition]; [increment])

“All the three blocks in the for loop can be omitted. But should be declared before.”

2. for…of

for (variable of iterable)

“Iterable can be ‘Array, String, array-like objects, TypedArray, Map, Set and user-defined iterables”.

Use the below code to test whether the object is iterable or not:

typeof obj[Symbol.iterator] === 'function'; // 'obj' will be the var

Don’t use loop for arrays. It iterates over both array indices and property keys. It will be ambiguous if someone adds a property to an array.

Built-in Iteration Methods

function(callback, [thisValue])//callback will be
function callBackFn(value, index, array)
  • forEach — calls a callback function once for each array element
Exclusive awesome reference on forEach:
  • every — check if all array values pass the test condition
Great examples here:
  • some — check if some array values pass the test condition


  • map — creates a new array; doesn't change the original array; doesn't execute the function without values
  • filter — creates a new array with elements that pass the test


  • reduce — runs a function on each array element to produce (or reduce it to) a single value; works from left-to-right; doesn't reduce the original array
arr.reduce(callback, initialValue);


  • reduceRight (same as reduce, but traverse from right-to-left)

Objects iteration

  1. for…in — iterates over all enumerable properties of an object (excludes keyed by Symbols)
  2. Object.keys() — returns an array of a given object’s own enumerable property names, iterated in the same order.
  3. Object.entries() — returns an array of a given object’s own enumerable string-keyed property [key, value] pairs

important difference is that a loop enumerates properties in the prototype chain as well

Strings iteration

  1. for — traditional approach
  2. for…of (ES6) — more convenient; no need to care about the current index
  3. forEach —preferred for functional programming; leverages immutability; higher-order function




